Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thing Three: RSS Feeds

I have to confess that I have set up RSS feeds before. Both then and now, the urge to keep reading passed after the first excitement of newness receded. Even though it was easy and I chose my own feeds! I think I may need to be reading with more purpose than "find out what is new." It is also possible that I have a short attention span, or that there aren't enough hours in the day. I will have to add reading my RSS feeds all the other things I do in the day to stay current. I could spend every day all day doing this, but I know I'm not alone in that.

I am very excited to see so many libraries blogging and library related blogs, and I can think of many ideas for why this would be a good idea, but how do we make our blog something people will actually read once it is bookmarked?

And my final point of crankiness: once I have Google Reader set up, how do I add it to my iGoogle page?

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