Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thing 23: Final Thoughts

I enjoyed this a lot, and found myself talking about it outside of work more often than I would have imagined. I was using some of these things, but it was nice to have to work in a bit more depth and really do the things I knew I had the option of doing, but had not yet tried. I would not have uploaded so many pictures, or figured out Twitter, or Facebook, or even kept up with a blog before this. (I have had 5 so far in this life.)

Not only did I learn a lot, but going through these Things has created some excellent discussions at work regarding what we do, and how we do it, and why. Knowing that everyone is on YouTube is one thing, but considering all the possibilities for what they could be looking at is another. I watched a concert for a German band I loved 20 years ago. I would never have seen them again if it weren't for YouTube.

I think this process has given me more patience with new computer users, also. It is hard to learn a new technology! Someone has to show you once so you know it is possible, and then a hundred more times until you master it. That is the part that I am struggling with as I try to master some of these Things, and what I'll try to take with me going forward. Both the benefits of persistent learning, and the patience to deal with those I'm instructing.

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