Monday, January 26, 2009

Thing 24: Keeping Current

I believe I have updated enough to say I have a new look, and I've been putting info into my profile as I can. And have indeed-y kept blogging, just not on this blog. I have kind of kept this one Thing-Centered, and my other blog is where I post reviews of what I have been reading, as well as other thoughts. I find a sense of accomplishment posting, although I do wonder if anyone reads anything at all.

I have mixed feelings about posting when it is apparent (From my lone comment in the past few months, thanks Jeff.) that if anyone is reading they are not finding anything to say. On the one hand, whatever. I like seeing the record of my own reading habits, and reminding myself that thinking critically is a muscle that needs to be exercised. On the other hand, it is too easy to think that NO ONE is reading, and start posting stuff that I would not normally say. That is a trap I have fallen into twice now, both times to no good end. I will stop trying to be funny, Ali.

And I tend to read blogs only from people that I already know, and so I am more likely to comment in person that on their blog. Perhaps I will change that behavior as we proceed. And I do find some that I love to read. Graphic novel and manga reviews are a great source of information for a librarian, even if there are so many of them it is hard to keep up.

But is it all an exercise in futility? I don't think so, but besides keeping arguments fresh and politically correct, I can't tell you why. So I'll keep blogging, and maybe something will come to me.


Jeff said...

Certainly someone is reading.

Lydia Schultz said...

I have often felt like I was writing in a vacuum too. But some of us are more lurkers, hiding in the shadows and reading, but being too lazy to write a comment.

Since I'm doing the MTOAS, I thought I should step out of the shadows and say--see, I read this too!

P.S. I'm the Library Lady's 23 Things blog.